Friday, July 18, 2008

A Fair Day

This morning when I woke up I was coughing a lot. I was feeling very exhausted from constant coughing throughout the night.

Anyway I had the determination to beat the flu, so decided, to go to work anyhow. My partner Mark was quite surprised that I going to work. It was now about 8:30 and mark kissed me before he left for work. At this point I was still lying in bed getting as much rest as I can possibly get before I have to get out of the bed.

Its 9:00 I finally stumbled out of the bed and straight, after that I was on my way to work at 1000.
Work was fun, students were very keen on learning, its good when you teach adults. They are keen because they are paying their way or their company is, eitherway they are paying for it directly or indirectly.

It's my boss' birthday, had a taste of her cake, it was very nice , quite heavy.

When for interview, it went well, felt ok. I think I got the job.

A new item of furniture was delivered. Mark sent me text to ask if the men had brought the closet up to the room of course I jokingly told him that it was left downstairs, Surprisingly he had believed me. He claimed he rang the furniture company to give out to them and told me that the people had insulted him.I don't believe that he had rang them. Anyway I will find out when he comes home. he should be home in 5 minutes .He is here now.He comes over and gives me a kiss.

Incredible my flu is has nearly left me.I am feeling so much better. Amazing to know what self belief and optimism can do for your health. I had told myself this morning that I had to get rid of the flu.

Anyway got to go now. Talk to you tomorrow.

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